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22 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba

How to Avoid Baby Nursery Decorating Mistakes

I recently took part in a discussion that was on the subject of what is a healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers. There is no one easy answer to this question but let me go on the record as saying that it is crucial to both mother and baby’s health for the mom to be very aware that she is eating for two!
Moms who planning to breastfeed should take some time to make an assessment of her diet to determine that she is getting all of the important vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed for her baby’s development.
Making plans for a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of foods is important especially when mothers may be adhering to a dietary plan that limits certain foods. This may be necessary due to health conditions but regardless of the reasons, once you make the decision to breastfeed you must be sure that your current diet is passing the needed nutrition to your developing fetus or breastfeeding infant. This may require taking supplements but my belief is that it’s possible to map out a menu is a health diet for breastfeeding mothers that covers most nutritional needs without resorting to taking vitamins.
Where should a concerned mother go to get advice when she realizes that her diet may be lacking in certain elements that may be needed for her child’s optimum development? As always, she should consult with her obstetrician before making decisions that might have an effect on both the mother and baby health. The next stop may be a dietician that was recommended by either her doctor or her breastfeeding consultant. There are also many articles with excellent information on a healthy diet for breastfeeding mothers including this page and this one.

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