On one of my recent flights into the US, I sat by a gentleman who was struggling just to sit still in his seat. He squirmed so much I thought he might have to maybe go “relieve himself.” He explained that he was experiencing a lot of neck and back pain, and as a result of those conditions he was finding it difficult to relax and sit quietly in the confining aircraft seat.
These conditions are not uncommon; in fact, about 90% of all adults have to deal with back pain at some time in their life and another 50% of the population has neck pain issues.
How easy is it for you to focus at work or enjoy fun activities when you have neck and back pain? You know it’s impossible. Add with that the cycle that starts… you sit to rest and the neck or back muscles continue to tighten up when you are still, and sitting motionless causes additional pain & discomfort, so you reduce activity even more.
For the traveler, this can in some cases spell the end of the freedom once enjoyed before pain became an issue. If travel is part of your career, neck and back pain that is debilitating can have catastrophic effects, especially if the ‘solution’ provided by your health care provider is with drugs that make it unsafe and impossible to drive or operate machinery. I have actually been in meetings where someone I know to be suffering from chronic pain has taken a powerful medicine and she falls asleep where she sits. Career-ender? You bet it is.
Just developing a consistent and achievable exercise program can go a long way to relieving the stress and pressures on the neck (and back). People who write in tell me all the time that in addition to using my Natural Neck Pain program, they can actually start an exercise routine that includes mild versions of low-impact cardio that they couldn’t do before.
Making sure your supplements are taken every day is a must. Did you know that much of the pain suffered is due to avoidable inflammation? And that much inflammation comes from vitamin deficiencies? It is true.
There are mountains of studies that relate neck, back, and jaw pain directly to the effects of deficiencies in vitamins A, D and E. Soon, I will be releasing my natural program to treat Arthritis and you will be blown away by the discoveries held in that guide.
Pace yourself, though, especially after an injury. The great thing about my programs and others you can find are that they are so safe that you can even do them post-injury. Your doctor or therapist will likely have you doing a batch of effective exercises to get yourself back to better functioning, but adding a few oxygen-pumping, simple activities to your routine is a great benefit.
Once you make some strides there, your muscle tone will start to increase and little by little you will be able to increase your range of motion, stamina, and strength. This kicks the cycle the other direction so you are gaining mobility and freedom, not stiffness and pain.
Starting any new exercise program, no matter how minor, sometimes can aggravate the condition a bit. So pace yourself and don’t get discouraged. Maintaining the freedom to travel and ‘soldiering up’ to your work responsibility is a great benefit of making those changes now.
Many great success stories on natural treatments for neck and back pain abound, and you can be one of them.
I encourage you give my Neck Pain program a good try now and begin to see relief from your painful condition.
6 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi
Work and Travel, Neck and Back Pain
Posted by Supremex on 07:25. health,healthy - No comments
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